On 22/07/2017 21:23, Dirk Hohndel wrote:
I started testing the new binary and it seems not broken, so that's good

Most everything in the changes I really like. The new menu layout makes a
lot more sense. I miss the easily visible / accessible switch for the
location service (but that may be just me... this seems like something I
really want to be able to see at a glance when checking my phone while on
the dive boat).

What I wonder about is the switch to "switches" (no pun intended). I know
that they are the Android standard, but I think they provide zero
incremental value compared to having check boxes - and the round bigger
switches and the smaller more squared check boxes (for example on the
settings page) really do look odd together. I don't think this is quite
right, yet.

Activating the GPS service should not be under settings. This is not a service setting: it is an action just as "Manual sync with cloud" is an action. At the very least it should be in the GPS submenu and not in Settings. Then again, there is under "Dive Management, the option "Enable auto cloud sync". Is this a setting? It turns out these distinctions are actually not black and white.

I have two proposals for "Run location service" activation. 1) Move the "Run location service" switch to the GPS submenu and indicate whether it is active or inactive by an appropriate icon on the left, indicating on or off. I could help with icons but Joakim has been so efficient with his icons I would prefer him do this. 2) For the location service to be useful at all, the user must be able to easily see whether it is active or not, even on the main menu. This is why the previous arrangement with a checkbox on the main menu was very useful. Is it possible to have an icon in the Android icon bar at the top of the screen?

Kind regards,
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