I have done quite a bit of testing of the software in land.

1) With, the logging of GPS locations proceeded without a significant problem. The problems with the previous version of the software were obviously related to that specific version on my machine. I can stop and restart the GPS logging and it stops and resumes as expected.

2) Logging did not occur at 3 min intervals, but at about 5-min intervals. The software behaves almost like the minimum allowed between-record interval is 5 minutes and it substitutes my 3-min interval with 5-min.

3) Walking at a speed of about 4.5 km/h and the between location parameters set at 3 minutes and 100 m, the locations were at longer intervals (around 5-11 minutes) compared to walking at a slower speed. Walking at about 2 km/h, the records were mostly around 5 min apart. Could it be that it captures a moving GPS with less accuracy at speed and if one moves faster it takes longer to obtain a valid plot?

4) As far as accuracy is concerned, the error in GPS position was around 20m, with one record off by around 1.6 km at the fast walking speed. At a slow walking speed the accuracy was within 7m.

I have the numeric data behind most of the above.

I think there is room for experimentation with the algorithm that does the GPS recording. I suspect that a single plot is obtained from several GPS data points and the criteria for determining an accurate plot are set quite tight so that data points need to be very close together for the software to record a single GPS position in the list of GPS positions. If this is the case, then one should experiment with the number of repeat points required for a single GPS position as well as the degree to which these repeats need to be similar in order to be accepted as a valid GPS record. This is the only way in which I can make sense of this.

I scratched around in the mobile-widgets, core and Qt-models directories to look for the code where the actual GPS recording takes place but I have not yet found it. I am not sure at what low level the GPS chip is accessible from our code.

Kind regards,
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