> On Aug 24, 2017, at 8:55 PM, Miika Turkia <miika.tur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 24, 2017 at 11:49 PM, Lubomir I. Ivanov <neolit...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> with the new map widget we started phasing out the Marble globe...
>> the transition is smooth in the lines of using NO_MARBLE as toggle -
>> i.e. it either uses Marble or QtLocation.
>> we should probably start removing it as a dependency from both c++,
>> cmake and build scripts (i might needs some help for the later). but
>> the question is - should we? do we want to keep it?
>> i got no issue reports about the new Map widget which means all is good with 
>> it.
> Any idea about the following error message?
> qrc:/MapWidget.qml:45: Error: Cannot assign [undefined] to
> QDeclarativeGeoMapType*
> qml: MapWidget.qml: cannot find a plugin with the name 'googlemaps'

It's exactly what it says. It can't find the plugin. No one has dealt with the
case where the plugin isn't installed system wide on Linux. I simply haven't
had the time to look at it. I think I have both the Windows and Mac package
working. And Linux works IFF you install the googlemaps plugin systemwide.
But if it's only in install-root, we don't pick it up when running the local 
We did a lot of copying stuff around for Marble to deal with exactly the same
problem, but we need to replicate that for this plugin.

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