>From phone. I am at a diving site this weekend. Yes, I mean the Android
Back button. I can repeat the problem fairly easily on my phone. Add any
text to the notes field of an existing dive. Hit the Back button to close
the keyboard. Keyboard closes. No action bar. Hit Back again. Action button
to save new information appears. Hit the Save action button. This opens the
dive in view mode. No blue action button, only location and distbin icons.
Hit Back again. The blue pencil appears. Hit Back again. No effect. No way
to close Subsurface mobile. Can get to dive list via main menu but cannot
closr programme. I can send screenshot or screencast if required.
Will send dive xml with integrated dive plan tomorrow. Kind regards, Willem

On 06 Oct 2017 18:29, "Dirk Hohndel" <d...@hohndel.org> wrote:

> > On Oct 6, 2017, at 1:18 AM, Willem Ferguson <
> willemfergu...@zoology.up.ac.za> wrote:
> >
> > 1) Credentials screen:
> >
> > Main menu > Settings > Cloud status Change
> >
> > My existing credential data are deleted, expecting new credential data.
> >
> > When I want to exit by using the Android EXIT button, I exit Subsurface.
> I would have expected to return to the Settings screen, not to exit the
> program. In addition, when I re-open Subsurface, my credential data have
> been omitted. I would not expect the existing data to be deleted until the
> "Sign in or Register" button has been selected. It should be possible to
> return gracefully without deleting the existing credential data. Upon
> restarting the program after not changing the credentials and wanting to
> return to the Settings screen, the dive list is empty, only being
> accessible after typing in the existing credential data into the
> credentials screen.
> Good point. Ideally this would go into a github issue - if you aren't
> comfortable dealing with github, let me know and I'll add it there
> > 2) I find the blue action button at the bottom of the screen totally
> erratic. Sometimes it disappears, leaving the one or two additional icons
> on the action bar but with a white space where the blue action button
> should be.
> Hmm. That's a new one for me. We have a couple of screens that don't have
> an action button:
> - settings screen
> - dive edit with keyboard open
> - about page
> Where else do you see the button disappear?
> > 3) After editing a dive, the Android EXIT button does not work in most
> cases. For instance, I cannot return from an edited dive profile screen
> back to the dive list by tapping the Android EXIT button. The only way to
> get back to the dive list is via the Main Menu > Dive List. In fact, I
> cannot exit from Subsurface after editing, I need to kill the process via
> Android. But see the interaction under point (1) above where, on other
> occasions the EXIT button did work.
> So by EXIT button I assume you mean the BACK button? Android changed
> things over the years, but I don't recall an EXIT button.
> Using the latest Beta binary (-929) -- the one where the pink theme works
> again -- I cannot reproduce this here. When editing/adding a dive the first
> tap on exit closes the keyboard, the second one closes the edit screen, the
> third one brings me from dive details view back to dive list, and another
> tap exits Subsurface-mobile...
> /D
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