> On Apr 9, 2018, at 10:45 AM, Hartley Horwitz <hhr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The map on iOS is working on my phone - at least the features I've tested:
> * opening a map, selecting satellite or map view
> * selecting a dive site and returning to the dive list - the selected dive is 
> chosen
> * changing zoom by gestures or using +/- icons
> * selecting a dive from the list, and choosing "Map It" icon
> All my dives have GPS coordinates.  I tried adding a new dive without 
> coordinates and the "Map It" function is dimmed as expected.   I couldn't 
> figure out how to manually add the location using the map, but I didn't spend 
> long trying.

Thanks for testing and reporting. Really appreciated.

> Overall, things working well for me.  Thanks - the apps looks great. Now all 
> I need is a BT dive computer. 

And since you are testing on iOS, you actually need a supported BLE dive 
computer - that's even fewer to chose from.


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