On 18/04/2018 16:05, Miika Turkia wrote:
On Wed, Apr 18, 2018 at 4:14 PM, Willem Ferguson <willemfergu...@zoology.up.ac.za <mailto:willemfergu...@zoology.up.ac.za>> wrote:

    Dear Miika,

    Would you by any chance be prepared to look at the attached APD
    dive log? The setpoint data are there and correctly identified in
    the import dialog. However, it is not written to xml. Consequently
    the setpoint is erroneously shown as the same value as pO2. Can it
    be user error (that is, me)?

Sure, I can take a look. I just need to know, how the setpoint should be stored in the XML. Currently setpoint is stored to po2 attribute, and I just need to know where it should be saved to fix this.


Hi Miika,

As far as I can see, the setpoint column in the .apd text file contains values around 0.7 and 1.3. However, the po2 attribute in the xml generated from that input does not contain values around 0.7 and 1.3. That probably means that the po2 attribute was not assigned correctly. This worked correctly for a pretty long time since I have apd xml files with accurate setpoints, but I do not have their text import files any more. So I suspect some code thing has changed that breaks it??

Kind regards,


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