On 10 June 2018 at 04:05, Dirk Hohndel <d...@hohndel.org> wrote:
>> On Jun 9, 2018, at 3:59 PM, Lubomir I. Ivanov <neolit...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> * INFO:
>> i've made a test build of Subsurface for Windows that has experimental
>> BLE support from using a custom Qt.
>> please download this ZIP and follow the instructions bellow if you
>> want to help us
>> get BLE support in Subsurface on Windows.
>> NOTE: to somehow prove that the download is legit, here is the list of
>> my contributions to Subsurface:
>> https://github.com/Subsurface-divelog/subsurface/commits?author=neolit123
>> NOTE: you need Windows 8.1 as a minimum for BLE to work.
>> - go to here and click DOWNLOAD (top right):
>> https://www.dropbox.com/s/zslq3ughx9ciehj/_deploy_win32_ble.zip?dl=0
>> - extract the ZIP in a folder somewhere
>> - navigate to the folder with Explorer and start _run.cmd
>> - a console window should open and next to it the Subsurface window
>> - start your BLE dive-computer and make it ready for downloading of dives
>> - in Subsurface goto Import -> Download from divecomputer
>> - select the following options (and pick paths):
>>     [x] Save libdivecomputer dumpfile
>>     [x] Save libdivecomputer logfile
>> - select the following option:
>>     [x] Choose bluetooth download mode
>> - a dialog should open. select "Force LE" for mode, and click "Scan".
>> - your device should appear in the list. select it and click "Save"
>> - the "Device or mount point" field should now show your DC.
>> - click "Download".
>> - describe what happens after "Download" with steps 1), 2), 3)
>> - share your libdivecomputer dumpfile and logfile on errors
>> - copy the console output as text and share it (or make a screenshot)
>> your can archive the above assets in a ZIP and use cloud services like
>> dropbox.com to create a shareable link.
> Thanks for working on this. I was surprised that this is built against Qt 
> 5.9.5
> Somehow I assumed that you would be working on 5.10 or even 5.11 :-)
> Anyway, I got all excited and got all four of my BLE dive computers, installed
> as instructed and gave it a try...
> There is nothing interesting on the console (just the -v -v startup stuff). 
> I'm
> too lazy to figure out how to copy this on Windows - trust me, it's just the
> default output.
> I did everything you suggest above, click on 'Scan' and after a few moments
> I get
> "Device discovery error: The Bluetooth adaptor is powered off, power it on
> before doing discovery."
> I went to Settings, confirmed that BT was on (even turned it off and then on
> again, just to be sure). Same error.
> Not sure what else to try.

i will post an update soon.

i would like to point out that this same Win32-BLE stack is apparently
used in "production" by at least one person (the original
contributor), so he says it works for him. Alex also says it works.
also my tests about reading / writing GATT characteristics /
descriptors, discovering devices and services etc, also work.

so we really need to narrow down the possible breaking points here.

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