On Sun, Jul 1, 2018 at 1:07 PM tormento <turm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have attached the dive. It's one I did in very shallow water, half as a 
> open diver training assistant, the second during a rescue simulation. The 
> time I'd like it to be splitted is something like 29:30 from the beginning.

Oh, but this *does* split automatically (go to dive list, select that
dive, right-click to get the action menu, pick "split dive"), and the
first 29:30 is considered a dive of its own.

In fact, it splits into five dives because of how many of those
surface intervals you have during that rescue simulation.  And that
may be a mis-feature. Maybe we should always just split once, at the
"biggest" surface interval. People can just ask to split again.

And then when it does split too much, merging the four short remaining
dips doesn't work, because the stupid merge algorithm decides that
"merging" meant not "joining", but "merge two dive computers into one
single dive" because the dips looked so similar to each other. So the
"merge" actually takes two of those quick "dip" dives, and makes a
single dip out of it, rather than make one dive with two dips.

I'll try to take a look, because this *should* just work, and right
now our heuristics simply do the wrong thing.

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