Hallo Dirk,

Refreshing your memory regarding QtPositioning plus finally answering your 
question below...

> Am 25.06.2018 um 21:46 schrieb Dirk Hohndel <d...@hohndel.org>:
>>> On Jun 26, 2018, at 2:38 AM, Stefan Fuchs <sfu...@gmx.de> wrote
>> I tried to do this a few days ago but I now see a issue with map not 
>> displayed. Instead I do see the "QML module QtLocation and QtPositioning" 
>> error. But as far as I can see DLLs are there in version 5.11.1
> I saw similar feedback from people building with 5.11 on some Linux flavors. 
> I upgraded my Arch Linux yesterday and the map worked there - but as I said, 
> I haven't played with this for MXE. My guess would be that it's not the DLLs 
> but the qml modules that are missing.
>> In the shell I have this error:
>> qrc:/qml/MapWidget.qml:4:1: plugin cannot be loaded for module 
>> "QtPositioning": Die Bibliothek C:\Program Files 
>> (x86)\Subsurface\qml\QtPositioning\declarative_positioning.dll kann nicht 
>> geladen werden: Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden.
>> QUrl("qrc:/qml/MapWidget.qml") failed to load with status: 
>> QQuickWidget::Status(Error)
> I take it back, it clearly is looking for a DLL. And when you look at the 
> installed version, the library is right where Subsurface is looking for it? 
> Or is it missing from the installer?
The new 5.11.1 library file was there in the right position. No clue why Qt 
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