Hi all,

I am Simon and I am a blind diver.
I have now around 140 dives under my belt and have no dive computer at the moment which is a problem. Mainly the problem is that i can't read the display but thats a different story. I want/should take a dive computer with me to act as a black box if something happens.
And also as a logging tool later when i am out and i want to know something.
Is there a small tool or could someone write one to get the data off of the dive computer and then write it in a text file or csv file to make all the info on the dive accessible for me. I don't know if dive computers also log the dive profile that way that it saves each sensor reading in a internal table with time, depth, water temperature and other info and if that also could be exported. the problem is i can't use most of the diving software because of their graphical nature and the problem how the GUI has been made.

I know there are not many blind divers around but such a tool would be pretty handy. my main OS is Windows but a command line tool would be the most portable to be multiplatform.

i am also looking for a cheap dive computer for that because i guess the more expensive ones have features i never use. *smile*.
The only gases i currently use is normal air and nitrox.

would be great if someone could help out or knows a tool that could do that.

Greetings and thanks,

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