On 2019-07-01 23:26, Patrick Briscadieu wrote:
Hello I ve got a Mares Quad,
And since the dive number 48 I can’t imports dives from my computer.
Can you analyses the files attached in this mail please

This is most likely because you have a newer generation Mares Quad with more flash memory. This is already fixed in latest libdivecomputer, but your version of subsurface is using an older version.

Just to confirm this is indeed the problem, download the dctool command-line application (I'm guessing you're on Mac OS X):


Start a terminal and execute with these options:

chmod +x dctool
./dctool -vv -l iconhd.log -f iconhd dump -o iconhd.bin /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART

Send back the iconhd.log and iconhd.bin files.

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