On 2019/08/01 17:40, John Hanzl wrote:
Thanks for this info - I wasn't aware that you can have multiple
workspaces saved. Unfortunately I believe the workspaces are saved on
a local drive path and can't be changed. So it is only good for a
given login on a given computer, meaning if I set up 100 user
workspaces, they would only work on the computer I created the
workspaces on and then only for my computer login.
I am a little confused by what you mean with "workspaces". I assume you
mean users with different logins. I am not sure about Windows, but on
Linux each user can use the software that has been installed using the
system software management tools (e.g. apt-get in Linux). Subsurface
runs independently for each user, including user-specific preferences
with no visibility of the dive logs of other users. For admin to access
the logs of users, root-level access rights can be given (just talk to
you sys admin) or, alternatively, admin can access the cloud copies of
the different dive logs if he/she knows the user names & passwords.
Kind regards,
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