Two issues:

1) With respect to the proposed star widgets (for current, surface waves, surge and chill) that I had for the Information tab, there was discussion on what to do with those (see image below). Currently only the star widget for visibility is shown. During the previous discussions on this mail list there was broad support for these. However a few developers thought this was not necessary. Dirk though that perhaps the star widget for current should be kept.

My proposal is to keep the star widgets for current and for visibility, and to make the other three user selectable through the preferences settings with the default state being those three not being shown.

2) The water type/Density widget. Currently it is not editable because of serious misgivings about the utility of this being editable. If one considers a dive log as a type of dive diary then there is a need to accurately reflect the dive. And I reckon that almost all divers that dive both fresh and sea water at some stage forget to set their dive computers to the correct water type. In addition, for manually-entered dives there is no possibility to define the water density at all. It is possible to hand-edit the water density in the xml dive log and this is what I have done on those few occasions. In the interest of having a true reflection of a dive in the dive log I honestly think that there is a need to be able to edit the water density value. Therefore I propose that, at least under some circumstances, the water type/Density value is made editable. The possibility is that here as well, one could make this user selectable with the default state being that the editability is turned off.

Comments, please?

Kind regards,


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