Hello Salva,

i checked the cloud storage - it's ok. Thanks for your great work.

I also tried the steps with different users. That's also very helpful. I will also import in the furure only new dives like suggested.

Of course you can send the corrupt files to Berthold for debugging. I think he should start from the corrupt cloud storage. Do you still have a copy of it?

best regards


On 16.08.2020 13:19, Salvador Cuñat wrote:
Hello Manfred.
I've just fixed your cloud storage.  It seems good to me.  Please check it.

El dom., 16 ago. 2020 a las 8:31, Manfred Hantl (<manfred.ha...@web.de>) escribió:

One more question - i manage my and my wifes log on the same computer. I do this by setting the userid in settings, opening then the relevant cloud storage, importing the relevant wlog file and uploading again to the cloud. This works but is a bit cumbersome due to the change of the userid in the settings. Is there a better way? Can the cloud user be stored in the local copy of the ssrf file ? --

Yes, there is.

You can call Subsurface from command line (or set appropriately the desktop link in Win10, if any) like:

subsurface --user=Manfred   (Manfred is example)

First time you do this you have to set all preferences for the "user" Manfred.  This includes cloud user and password (your current are stored locally but not bound to a user), units, if you want to automatically open the cloud, gradient factors, etc, etc.
Once you are done all settings are bound to the user "Manfred", and next time you just have to call subsurface using the flag --user=Manfred as before.

Repeat for your wife, with a different user, off course ;-)

The thing I'd change, for sure, is the way you are updating your Subsurface divelog.  Try this:

- open subsurface as usual
- close your regular divelog (cloud or file)
- with the main tab empty ...
- import your .log file  -> you should get all dives in the log file.
- Select the last dive you have in your current subsurface divelog
- Go down the dive list to the first one.
- Press "shift" and left click on the mouse at once -> you have selected a range of dives.
- right click on the mouse and, in the appearing menu select "delete dive/s"
- now you should only have in the dive list those dives you want to add to the divelog.
- from main menu select "save as" and choose a fancy name like "temp_manfred.ssrf" in the folder you prefer.
- Open again your subsurface divelog
- go to import menu -> choose your temp_manfred.ssrf" file.
- renumber the dives as those imported will have different sequence numbers than previous.
- Save your updated subsurface divelog.

This seems annoying but is longer to explain than to do.  Once you have set users for your wife and you, it may be even faster using command line.  By calling subsurface like:

subsurface /path/to/my/wlog_divelog.log

you will be directly in step #5

May be I've been too verbose explaining this as you have used Subsurface for some time now, but in Spain we use to say "Mejor que sobre que no que falte" (vaguely "better too much than too few").

BTW.  Berthold had asked for the bogus file to try to fix the issues derived from repeatedly merging the same dives once and again. Do you mind if I send it to him?

Sorry for this long brick, best regards.


Manfred Hantl
Helga-Seibert-Str. 41
76149 Karlsruhe
Telefon +49 721 46726072
Mobil +49 171 2217468

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