> On Jan 8, 2021, at 15:05, JB2Cool via subsurface 
> <subsurface@subsurface-divelog.org> wrote:
> Sorry for not looking sooner, a nag is sometimes what i need.

It feels to me that I do so much nagging...

> I've played with it a bit tonight and it showed me that some of my data 
> needed cleaning up, Max O2 for instance shows unused cylinders which i had 
> hidden with the checkbox in preferences so i have unhidden them and gone 
> through and purged my log of those unwanted cylinders, this looks a bit 
> better now with less noise.

Interesting. I wonder if this is something where the statistics code should 
more aggressively ignore unused cylinders?

> I like the stats based on just a single criteria, these give a good insight 
> into my dive data, similar in some ways to the old filter dive list (i think, 
> i don't quite remember) but a greater insight. I can't really (with the 
> limited testing i've done) get too much meaningful data out when i have the 
> charts based on two criteria, i guess that's because i do some quite varied 
> diving and the source data is a bit messy, not really a reflection of the 
> stats function.

That’s why the stats are designed the way they are. You can use the filter in 
the lower right to select a group of dives that are meaningfully similar (in my 
case, for example, all dives where I am not ‘teaching’ - so I use a tag for 
that, or all dives where I am not in a dry suit), and then use the stats widget 
to create analysis, for example SAC over water temperature.

It’s the combination of the filter and the statistics that makes this so cool 
(in my, highly biased mind).

> I don't know that i'll use it very much but it's nice to know that it's there 
> in case i need to look something up.

Yeah, a few people really really love data and love statistics, and most people 
will likely not use it a lot. Especially right now, where most of us don’t get 
to add a lot of new data to their dive list... I’ve had two dives in the last 
15 months :-(

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