The log shows that the communication with the dive computer never gets 
There could be many reasons for that. Permission problems, bad cable, badly 
seated connector...
I'd suggest fully charging the dive computer, making sure the cable is seated 
properly, checking the permissions on the device node and trying again.
I downloaded from my Icon HD (which uses the same protocol) just last week - 
and somehow I had a permission problem as well. So that would be my first guess
Once I fixed that, it worked just fine.


> On Aug 23, 2021, at 12:21 PM, Tangi Guyonvarc'h via subsurface 
> <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried to import my recent dive with the new version of Subsurface (5.0.3). 
> But it failed.
> The version before succeed.
> I have a Mares Puck Pro.
> I have tried some solutions indicated in the manual without success.
> Here the log into the subsurface.log file. The subsurface.bin was not 
> generated.
> Thanks to resolve the problem.
> Bests regards.
> Bien cordialement.
> Tangi Guyonvarc'h - - 06 80 72 01 80
Subsurface: v5.0.3, built with libdivecomputer v0.8.0-devel-Subsurface-NG (b6df353752b659654919eec3e98ced02158456d1)
[632.326697] INFO: Open: name=/dev/ttyUSB0
[632.327549] INFO: Configure: baudrate=115200, databits=8, parity=2, stopbits=0, flowcontrol=0
[632.327851] INFO: Timeout: value=3000
[632.327854] INFO: DTR: value=0
[632.327927] INFO: RTS: value=0
[632.327986] INFO: Purge: direction=3
[632.328282] INFO: Write: size=2, data=C267
[635.331359] INFO: Read: size=0, data=
[635.331364] ERROR: Failed to receive the answer. [in mares_iconhd.c:282 (mares_iconhd_packet)]
[635.331368] INFO: Sleep: value=100
[635.431575] INFO: Purge: direction=1
[635.432042] INFO: Write: size=2, data=C267
[638.434030] INFO: Read: size=0, data=
[638.434035] ERROR: Failed to receive the answer. [in mares_iconhd.c:282 (mares_iconhd_packet)]
[638.434039] INFO: Sleep: value=100
[638.534210] INFO: Purge: direction=1
[638.542257] INFO: Write: size=2, data=C267
[641.545304] INFO: Read: size=0, data=
[641.545307] ERROR: Failed to receive the answer. [in mares_iconhd.c:282 (mares_iconhd_packet)]
[641.545309] INFO: Sleep: value=100
[641.645486] INFO: Purge: direction=1
[641.650301] INFO: Write: size=2, data=C267
[644.653468] INFO: Read: size=0, data=
[644.653475] ERROR: Failed to receive the answer. [in mares_iconhd.c:282 (mares_iconhd_packet)]
[644.653479] INFO: Sleep: value=100
[644.753678] INFO: Purge: direction=1
[644.754029] INFO: Write: size=2, data=C267
[647.757128] INFO: Read: size=0, data=
[647.757131] ERROR: Failed to receive the answer. [in mares_iconhd.c:282 (mares_iconhd_packet)]
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