
I am not sure what happened - I d/l my logs to my mobile subsurface app, and then do a sync to the cloud to store them in the cloud. Then later on my mac I open subsurface, sync, and have my logs in both places.

Today I did the first half of that -- got todays dive downloaded, looked ok. did a manual sync, and on my mac when i synced with the cloud, it looks like it dropped about 30 dives, and the most recent dive showed as dive #0. I don't know where dives 526 to 553 went.  I went back to my mobile app, which still "looked" good - had 553 or whatever. And then like an idiot, I told it to a sync and it pulled down whatever happened on the mac subsurface and now its lost my dives as well.

Does subsurface do any periodic backups?  Do we just mark deleted dives as deleted in the DB and they may still be recoverable? I'm sure i fat fingered something- but I recently sold one of my dive comps and may not be able to get the data from some of the dives loaded back in :(




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