Hi Jef,

Thanks for your additional in-depth explanation!

On 2023-11-13 19:48, Jef Driesen wrote:
On 13/11/2023 01:44, micha via subsurface wrote:
Option 4 :  Figure out why Subsurface is importing a "gaschange" event
to a third cylinder instead of assigning it to one of the cylinders with
transmitter values attached.

That's easy to answer. You have 4 configured gas mixes:

Based on previous conversations, I was already aware of the assignment of transmitters to gas mixes on a 1:1 basis, working down from highest-to-lowest mix. Of course without any additional data linking transmitters to mixes there's nothing Subsurface can do to "get it right" (*1).

I didn't know (or forgot..) that the "gaschange" event came from the computer reporting the 32% mix at the start of the dive. So that explains that...

If Shearwater already reports the on/off status of gas mixes, then it seems adding support for that during the download will solve the vast majority of my issues without needing to add any additional fixes/tweaks. (*1) Of course, if I carry a deco mix as well as my sidemount tanks, Subsurface will still assign T1 to my deco mix and T2 to my sidemount mix.. unless, as you already mentioned, we can use the "sidemount" flag from libdivecomputer.

I still think it'd be nice to expose the initial "gaschange" event in the UI so users can edit or delete it if they feel it's wrong. Maybe hide it by default but add a configuration option to show it? I can trivially implement this.

@Micha: Can you do a full download of your dives with both the "Force
download of all dives" and "Save libdivecomputer logfile" checkboxes
enabled, and send me the log?

What's the best way to provide you with the log data? Attached to the mailing list here? Zipped or as-is? I already have a libdivecomputer log file of my last 5 or so dives, which contain the dives of interest.

(*) In libdivecomputer master there is already a sidemount flag that
could help subsurface to figure this out too.

Adding a "Sidemount" the the "Dive Mode" list would be a nice addition to Subsurface, also for the Planner. Currently when I plan a sidemount dive, it complains I don't have enough gas.. because it only takes the first cylinder into account. Not a huge issue, but still, "nice to have". I guess I can take a look at it.

 - Micha.
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