As Michael and I try to improve the way we post binaries for people to test and 
use, following up on the Ubuntu and Fedora binaries I mentioned earlier, we now 
have binaries posted on GitHub as "daily" or "latest" releases:

There is an oddity about the way this works. GitHub only does releases for 
tags. So there are basically two options:
(a) do a "latest" tag and post all the binaries under that (which is what I've 
done so far)
(b) create a tag for every merge / push to the master branch

Both have drawbacks:
(a) creates a real mess with quickly having many, many artifacts in that same 
'latest' release and the user having to figure out which ones to download.
(b) creates a real mess as the git repo gets flooded with new tags - but then 
the releases themselves look much more sane

I'm curious what people think would be the better strategy - or if there's a 
third option that I've missed.

I'd also appreciate if people could try these new and improved Windows builds 
(they use a fresh build container with the very latest Qt5.15 libraries, newer 
compiler, and several other newer dependencies compared to those that I posted 
last week. I'd be especially interested if there are any improvements to BT / 
BLE handling, as there were numerous updates to the corresponding code in Qt.

And I'd love to know how the Android APK works for people trying to side-load 
Subsurface-mobile onto an Android device.
In one quick test for me it seemed to be fine (if awkward and annoying) - but 
I'd love to make sure a few more people with non-Google devices try this (for 
reasons of personal preferences I only tend to use plain Google Android 
devices... therefore I'd love to make sure that this works with Samsung or 
<insert other brands> devices as well.


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