Hi Bryan,

Both sound like very good subjects.

I have you down for two hours Monday afternoon: 

My goal for the first day is to give an overview of the challenges faced 
by deployments and how we hope to address them in release 9.1.0. 
Hopefully your slot Monday can address Nepal's experience and next stage 

After you on Monday afternoon, is a working meeting to define how we 
ensure the latest Sugar is stable and how we include it in 9.1.0.

Then we cover the technical details of each 9.1 area Tues. and Wed.

Thursday and Friday are more open. John Gilmore is confirmed for 
Thursday afternoon but otherwise those meetings are mostly open and can 
be changed.

Do you want to take Friday AM 10AM - Noon or Thursday afternoon 3PM - 5PM?

Pick a slot and fill it in. Add a section below with more detail and 
link to it from the calendar if you want to give people a chance to see 
the agenda in advance.

I'm not sure how many sugar focused people will be there late in the 
week but I expect you can get all the regulars from OLPC HQ at a minimum.


Greg S

Bryan Berry wrote:
> I would like to give the following talks at XOCamp2 if there is space in
> the schedule for them and others are interested. Please let me know if
> you would be interested 
> 1. Evolution of a deployment organization. 
> About the challenges of building a deployment team from scratch and
> lesson learned along the way. Not a very technical talk.
> 2. Karma - Not for Hackers, for Designers
> Talk about my still evolving ideas for a flash-based activity framework
> called Karma
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