well, u can find it here: http://www.nubae.com/logs/sugar

There are various curious commands the bot can help with based on
google stuff the list is as follows:

[control command is @ and not !]
example: @google define:sugarlabs

#   !google [.google.country.code] [define:|spell:|movie:]      #
#      <search terms> <1+1> <1 cm in ft> <patent ##>            #
#      <weather city|zip> <??? airport>                         #
#   !images [.google.country.code] <search terms>               #
#   !groups [.google.country.code] <search terms>               #
#   !news [.google.country.code] <search terms>                 #
#   !local [.google.country.code] <what> near <where>           #
#   !book [.google.country.code] <search terms>                 #
#   !video [.google.country.code] <search terms>                #
#   !scholar [.google.country.code] <search terms>              #
#   !fight <word(s) one> vs <word(s) two>                       #
#   !youtube [.google.country.code] <search terms>              #
#   !trans reg...@region <text>                                 #
#   !gamespot <search terms>                                    #
#   !gamefaqs <system> in <region>                              #
#   !blog [.google.country.code] <search terms>                 #
#   !ebay [.ebay.country.code] <search terms>                   #
#   !ebayfight <word(s) one> vs <word(s) two>                   #
#   !wikipedia [.2-digit-country-code] <search terms>[#subtag]  #
#   !wikimedia [.www.wikisite.org[/wiki]] <search terms>[#subtag]
#   !locate <ip or hostmask>                                    #
#   !review <gamename> [@ <system>]                             #
#   !torrent <search terms>                                     #
#   !top <system>                                               #
#   !popular <system>                                           #
#   !dailymotion <search terms>                                 #
#   !ign <search terms>                                         #
#   !myspace <search terms>                                     #
#   !trends [.google.country.code] <YYYY-MM-DD>                 #
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