The Sucrose 0.83.6 Release Notes said that we can comment on it UI on
the sugar mailing list, so I hope you don't mind me making my wish
list. Many of these things are perhaps nitpicks, but so be it :)

1 - I'm unsure about this one, but you tell me: Boxes around all
desktop objects when hovered:
a - For prettiness sake, they could have rounded corners
b - They should always appear even if the resume by default choice
isn't toggled. In fact, all actionable graphic on sugar should have
some graphical change when hovered. For example, in the frame, the
background for icons change from grey to black. I think this could be
easily made with the activity icons by adding to them a new light-grey
rounded square which is only visible when hovered. This would mean all
icons on the "desktop", XO users, Activity icons, network icons.
c - this also makes the interface give more feedback to the user.

2 - a laptop icon to be placed in the bottom of the frame
a - It contains in its palette the options:
 - Configure
 - Logout
 - Restart
 - Shutdown
b - This leaves the current XO in home with only the option "About me"
c - This allows one to access any of the above options from any view,
via the frame.

3 - Add a "don't Keep" option in the "name this fresh activity"
dialog. Perhaps a Keep icon with a cross over it? Or just the erase
icon to keep symbols consistent throughout the interface.

4 - Change the "View details" icon to the latest try at it that Eben
gave. Perhaps I just don't understand why > is preferable.

5 - I'm unsure about this one, so I'll just throw it out as food for
thought. It takes approximately one second to reveal the primary
palette (which usually only titles the object), and another second to
reveal the secondary. Perhaps these times could be decreased? Is it
really discoverable that a secondary palette exists for a icon, if it
takes 2 seconds of a stationary cursor for it to be revealed?
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