On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 1:42 AM, Eduardo H. Silva <hoboprim...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As I understand it, not all palette options need an icon. In your
> case, they are variations of skipping to the next X, where X can be a
> page, or section, or bookmark. The icon which opens that palette
> already has the turning page icon, and so by default should switch to
> the next page.

Yeah. Currently the generic go-back/fwd icons are being used. Instead
of that, I want to use the page-up/page-down icons, as I think they
make more sense. The submenu/advanced options do not have any icons,
and I don't see any reason to add any (except for the icons/symbols
indicating the keyboard shortcuts - which I plan to implement later).

Sayamindu Dasgupta
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