Hi folks,

Just got a shell account on sunjammer (thanks Bernie!), and was hoping  
to upload the source of Moon-9 so that it appears in the (as I  
understand) official place for distros to go looking for honey:


Now... the below wiki page lists /pub/sugarlabs/sources/honey as the  
pace to make a directory and upload to:


... but /pub/sugarlabs/sources/honey doesn't seem to exist on  
sunjammer, though I did find /upload/sources/honey/ which seems to be  
the correct path as it has the other 4 listed honey sources living  
there (/var/www/sugarlabs/download/sources/honey/ is also another  

Unfortunately I don't seem to have permission to create a directory  
there. /upload/sources/honey is owned by marcopg, group sugarlabs; the  
other 4 directories in there were created by alsroot, group sugarlabs.

I'm guessing on the face of it I'd need to be in the sugarlabs group,  
**but** this doesn't seem like a good situation given that honey is  
for "activity sources developed out there in the wild", that could  
turn into a whole stinging bee hive of admin and excessive shell  

Any (scalable) hints much appreciated!

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