On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 2:53 AM, Wade Brainerd <wad...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey, this link appears to have disappeared.
> I updated http://sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_on_a_Stick to focus on downloading
> and writing this distribution to a USB stick.  Other aspects of SoaS were
> moved down to the TODO links.

Great, thanks!

> I'd like to standardize on a *single* program for creating USB keys,
> preferrably the Fedora LiveUSB Creator.  Can anyone try this out on Linux
> and report back whether it works?  If it indeed does, I'll move the other
> key creation methods and post instructions with screenshots.

Unfortunately there are not Debian/Ubuntu packages of the liveusb creator :/

> Second, given the amount of work we are doing on SoaS right now should we
> consider a SoaS namespace in the wiki?  E.g. SoaS/VirtualBox, SoaS/Ubunto,
> SoaS/TODO, etc.  I'm not suggesting a whole new Team (unless you guys want
> to do that) but just a little more organization.

Sounds good to me, always wanted to do that but never got at it...

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