I think a simple design such as Josh's is ideal to use for all kid facing
pages.  The school server could benefit from a similar theme.  Personally,
while I think someone talented (as Josh obviously is) could make a related
theme for adults and kids, it is much more important to have a less
text-intensive, more kid-friendly face for the target audience, which is
kids.  One comment on the design itself...perhaps have a thumbnail
screenshot of the activity visible for enlargement if available?  We could
encourage authors to supply one when the activity is submitted.

>     Things are kind of confusing right now
> > with the different styles of wiki, trac, addons, schools, gitorious, api,
> > buildbot, etc.  planet is the lone exception, it seems to follow
> > wiki.sugarlabs.org nicely :)
> > It would be great if the Design Team could comment on this decision.
> > Here are a couple other web infrastructure ideas:
> > + Improve theming consistency among various SL.o sites.
> > + Single sign on cookie among all SL.o sites - perhaps OpenID based.
> > + Standard nav header atop all SL.o sites rather than the various nav
> > headers in different places, with different links.
> The various gnome sites such as build.gnome.org and www.gnome.org are
> very nice examples of common theming tying sites together.  Some thing
> similar for SL would be great.
> david
> > + Better splash page for Gitorious, looking more like GitWeb - a page
> with a
> > small search box at the top and the rest being a list of projects, sorted
> by
> > recent activity, showing owner and last commit details
> > Best regards,
> > Wade
> > On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 11:10 AM, ,Josh williams <
> joshcwilli...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi, I'm working on the design of sugar labs add-ons with Mick Weiss.
> >> I've created a mock up at http://sugarlabs.org/go/AddonsPortal/Design
> >> but I've haven't been able to contact anyone on the design team as of
> >> yet. I would also like to volunteer some of my time for other projects.
> >> I'm primarily a front-end designer with XHTML/CSS JavaScript skills, but
> >> I also know some PHP/MySQL and have a background in Linux. I also enjoy
> >> creating icons, so if there are any activities developers that need
> >> icons please contact me. My portfolio is over at http://tucsonlabs.com.
> >>
> >> If you're a member of the design team or have some use for my skills,
> >> please let me know.
> >>
> >> Thanks
> >>
> >> Josh
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> >> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
> >> i...@lists.sugarlabs.org
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> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
> > i...@lists.sugarlabs.org
> > http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep
> >
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