== Source ==


== News ==

Catch all exceptions while saving #224
Listen for map in Window instead of in Canvas (alsroot) #428
Restore minimal .xol support #459
Use the same font size independent from scaling
Don't recursively clean an activity if it's a symbolic link #444
Add extension to temp icon file names #458
Process .py files in subdirectories './setup genplot' #391 (alsroot)
Improve error handling of calls to XGrabKey #431
Cleanup temp files at exit #435
Let activities provide their own implementation of get_preview() #152
Show/Hide the color palette correctly (#374)
Support setting None as the secondary text #384
Only display one line in the secondary text of a clipping palette #384
Switch to existing instance of an activity if it’s already running #410
Reveal the palette on right click on an activity icon #409

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