On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 6:42 AM, Jonas Smedegaard <d...@jones.dk> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Wed, Mar 04, 2009 at 09:21:50AM +0000, Bobby Powers wrote:
>>I am happy to annouce the release of Surf version 106.  Surf is
>>basically Browse with the Mozilla/XULRunner guts ripped out, and
>>replaced with the WebKit renderer.
>>Obligitory screenshot:
>>Feeling adventurous? well you can test it out yourself on a Sugar
>>desktop near you.
>>First you need WebKit-gtk, pywebkitgtk and gnome-python-gconf:
>>sudo yum install WebKit-gtk pywebkitgtk gnome-python-gconf  (not sure
>>what the packages are called on Debian)
> On Debian it Seems to be these
>   python-webkit and python-gnome2
> or possibly instead (depending on the parts actually needed)
>   python-webkit-dev and python-gnome2
> (libwebkit is pulled in automatically by python-webkit*)

Thanks, that'll save me a few minutes later when I try to install it
on my DebXO install :)

>>An informal test showed that Browse in sugar-emulator used 100MB in
>>opening and navigating to gmail, while surf used 85MB.  That still
>>seems like a lot, but its a 15% savings right off the bat.
> Please document how to measure the memory use (even if non-academic), to
> make it possible to compare on other environments using exact same
> measuring method (as I suspect it may vary a lot, depending on compile
> options of e.g. xulrunner).

What I did:
step 1: run a new instance of sugar-emulator
step 2: click on the browse or surf icon from the home view
step 3: navigate to https://mail.google.com
step 4: log in using your gmail credentials
step 5: open gnome-system-monitor and check the memory usage

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