Hey Tomeu,

Nice work on a.sl.o, its looking very functional.

Tomeu Vizoso wrote:
> Hi Josh,
> I'm wondering how we can move forward on this. I see two possibilities:
> - keep insisting to the Design team to give feedback on your mockups
> and reach an agreement with them after a number if iterations.
I did get some feedback in a different thread as Eben pointed out. Sorry 
I haven't gotten back to you sooner with the changes they suggested.
> - implement your design in activities-devel.sugarlabs.org and ask the
> community for opinions before applying those changes to production.
I like the idea of asking the community's opinion on design choices, but 
I think my design would break sugar's branding (i.e., it makes use of 
gradients). If we went ahead with it, as is, it would look really out of 
place if you came from sugarlabs.org.

> AFAIK, you will only need to modify two files in order to customize
> the look of the site:
> http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/slo-addons/repos/mainline/blobs/devel/site/app/webroot/css/sugar.css
> http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/slo-addons/repos/mainline/blobs/devel/site/app/webroot/img/sprite.png
Thanks for the info, I'll try to get moving on this.



> Regards,
> Tomeu
> On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 17:10, ,Josh williams <joshcwilli...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi, I'm working on the design of sugar labs add-ons with Mick Weiss.
>> I've created a mock up at http://sugarlabs.org/go/AddonsPortal/Design
>> but I've haven't been able to contact anyone on the design team as of
>> yet. I would also like to volunteer some of my time for other projects.
>> I'm primarily a front-end designer with XHTML/CSS JavaScript skills, but
>> I also know some PHP/MySQL and have a background in Linux. I also enjoy
>> creating icons, so if there are any activities developers that need
>> icons please contact me. My portfolio is over at http://tucsonlabs.com .
>> If you're a member of the design team or have some use for my skills,
>> please let me know.
>> Thanks
>> Josh
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