Meeting: Bug Triage, 04 March 2009, 09:00-11:00 EST (14:00-16:00 UTC), at #sugar-meeting

Meeting: Sugar Developers, 04 March 2009, 11:00-13:00 EST (16:00-18:00 UTC),
at #sugar-meeting

(for Gmail users add to Calendar Smart links)
Note:  Beware of time zones, Google does not convert them, currently.

On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 11:29 AM, Simon Schampijer <>wrote:

> Hey,
> let's meet for another round of Bug triaging. 0.84 was just released - a
> great moment to clear the bug database a bit.
> It would be good to have the latest Soas (I will announce a new one
> today) prepared to verify bugs.
> Regards,
>    Simon
> PS: Watch out the new time. First we triage bugs at 14.00 UTC and then
> we can fix them in the developers meeting at 16.00 UTC
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