
to get bug fixes in after our 0.84.0 release we have scheduled two more 
coordinated releases for the next 4 weeks [1].

Mar 20 Sucrose 0.84.1
Apr 3  Sucrose 0.84.2

Furthermore we will do weekly Glucose releases to keep the tarballs up 
to date. The dates were picked in coordination with the upcoming Fedora 
11 [2] and Ubuntu Jaunty [3] release.

We hope to stabilize our 0.84 Release like that. So the upcoming weeks, 
Testers, the BugSquad and Developers need to work together closely to 
polish everything up. Main testing environment will be Sugar on a Stick 
[4] and your distribution of choice.

Happy polishing everyone - we are getting close now!

    Your Release Team

[1] http://sugarlabs.org/go/DevelopmentTeam/Release/Roadmap#Schedule
[2] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/11/Schedule
[3] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule
[4] http://sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_on_a_Stick
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