Though, my reformulation here kind of sticks Subzero w/ the more
organizational, framework-related problems and lets Lucian focus on the
harder technical problems. I am not sure how Subzero feels about that.
He may be attracted more to the hard technical dbus problem although, it
is my personal feeling that the framework is more important - esp. i8n
and integration w/ Pootle! :)
On Fri, 2009-03-27 at 13:53 +0545, Bryan Berry wrote:
> I agree w/ Wade that this could be difficult to coordinate. I would
> rather see two complementary projects.
> 3 months is a very short period to bring not only 2 but 4 people to work
> together across multiple time zones.
> I would rather try titanium than xulrunner simply because I have the
> vague perception that webkit is significantly faster than gecko. I don't
> have any empirical evidence regarding this.
> I would rather that subzero focus on the framework, i.e.:
> * animating w/ javascript and html5, in a way that is very
> straightforward and reproducible
> * integrating audio into it
> * making a structure for internationalization that is nicely compatible
> w/ pootle
> * nice integration w/ the journal. 
> * Nice way to integrate teacher's note and lesson plan, ideally w/ plain
> html rather than a pdf or other nasty proprietary format
> teacher's note - what kids should get out of this lesson, what problems
> they might encounter and how to help them out and lesson plan - how to
> manage 35+ to accomplish something in 50 minutes.
> So the above list might be more than enough for one GSoC project w/out
> adding in the collaboration
> So what do u think wadeb and subzero?
> On Thu, 2009-03-26 at 13:50 -0400, Wade Brainerd wrote:
> > I've suggested something similar in past years, but Google prefers to
> > avoid students projects working together at all.  This includes
> > working together on projects, or having dependencies on the results of
> > other projects.  
> > 
> > 
> > There is a significant failure rate for GSoC projects and it's not
> > fair for one student's success to be dependent on the work of another.
> > 
> > 
> > If the projects can be made to work 100% independently and yet still
> > complement each other, then we are good.
> > 
> > 
> > Best,
> > Wade
> > 
> > On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 1:22 PM, Lucian Branescu
> > <> wrote:
> >         
> >         Hello, I have this proposal
> >
> >         
> >         I've had a chat with mchua and homunq on #sugar, and here's an
> >         interesting idea
> >         "homunq: if you'd need some limited common foundation, but
> >         most of
> >         your work would then be separate and compatible, you could
> >         both
> >         schedule the foundation work in the first couple weeks, then
> >         say "we
> >         will then choose whose version of the foundation to
> >         standardize on"
> >         
> >         We would both need Gears and some sort of javascript-dbus
> >         bridge.
> >         Gears should be just a plugin and javascript-dbus could be
> >         done
> >         through this
> >
> >         
> >         Then subzero could focus on the 'framework to build sugar
> >         activities
> >         with web technologies' part and I could focus on the 'getting
> >         web apps
> >         like gmail running nicely on sugar'.
> >         
> >         There's also the choice between webkit/titanium and
> >         gecko/xulrunner/hulahop. I think it would be better to use
> >         xulrunner,
> >         since it's already a Sugar dependency. It shouldn't be
> >         significantly
> >         slower, but we should do some testing anyway.
> >         
> >         What do you all think?
> >         
> >         2009/3/26 Wade Brainerd <>:
> >         > Just to be clear, this is a perfectly normal part of the
> >         GSoC application
> >         > process.  Last year with OLPC I had to choose between like 6
> >         different
> >         > Typing Turtle applications, several of which were quite
> >         good.  And in the
> >         > end, none of them was funded by Google.
> >         > So, we'll analyze your designs, schedules, resumes, related
> >         projects,
> >         > potential for future contribution to the project, etc. and
> >         choose the best
> >         > one to attempt to have funded.
> >         > That said, getting a head start on the project and getting
> >         involved in the
> >         > community are great ways to ensure success.  Check
> >         > out for an
> >         example of an
> >         > applicant who has written test programs, had his ideas
> >         evaluated several
> >         > times on the mailing list, laid out a fairly clear technical
> >         design, etc.
> >         > Keep in mind that we have no idea how many students we'll
> >         get from Google.
> >         >  So you are not only competing against those who submit a
> >         proposal for the
> >         > same idea, you are competing against all the other project
> >         ideas as well.
> >         > Best,
> >         > Wade
> >         >
> >         > 2009/3/26 Jameson Quinn <>
> >         >>
> >         >> Subzero, you have competition.
> >         >>
> >         >> Lucian, you should check out the mailing list threads for
> >         talk between
> >         >> Bryan and Felipe; they are talking about much the same
> >         ideas you are.
> >         >>
> >         >> Bryan, you should include Lucian in your forwards.
> >         >>
> >         >> This is not intended to endorse either Lucian or Subzero.
> >         This is one of
> >         >> our highest-priority projects for GSoC, and it is even
> >         conceivable that we
> >         >> could even accept both of your proposals, to be attempted
> >         independently.
> >         >> Both of you, feel free to take ideas from each other's
> >         proposals, but
> >         >> remember, we're assuming that you are doing that, and we'd
> >         like to see you
> >         >> give fair attribution. You're also both welcome to submit a
> >         backup proposal
> >         >> on another idea, either from the ideas list or of your own
> >         invention; it
> >         >> seems clear that you are both good applicants, and having a
> >         backup proposal
> >         >> will help us do you both justice in case you both make the
> >         cut. We will not
> >         >> let the presence or absence of backup proposals bias us in
> >         which one of you
> >         >> we choose to do the Karma idea.
> >         >>
> >         >> Good luck, may the best proposal win!
> >         >>
> >         >> Jameson
> >         >>
> >         >> 2009/3/24 Bryan Berry <>
> >         >>>
> >         >>>
> >         >>>
> >         >>> Subzero, I think this might be a great flash activity to
> >         redo for Karma.
> >         >>> Let me know if you have trouble running it on your regular
> >         machine. It
> >         >>> is in Nepali but I think you will be able to figure it
> >         out. I really
> >         >>> like how it demonstrates the concepts of coordinates and
> >         lets kids play
> >         >>> w/ those concepts.
> >         >>>
> >         >>> You can also download our latest stable monster E-Paath
> >         bundle from here
> >         >>> (224 MB)
> >         >>>
> >         >>>
> >         >>>
> >         >>> --
> >         >>> Bryan W. Berry
> >         >>> Technology Director
> >         >>> OLE Nepal,
> >         >>>
> >         >>> _______________________________________________
> >         >>> Sugar-devel mailing list
> >         >>>
> >         >>>
> >         >>
> >         >>
> >         >> _______________________________________________
> >         >> Sugar-devel mailing list
> >         >>
> >         >>
> >         _______________________________________________
> >         Sugar-devel mailing list
> >
> >
> >         
> > 
> > 
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> > Sugar-devel mailing list
> >
> >
Bryan W. Berry
Technology Director
OLE Nepal,

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