On 08.04.2009, at 21:23, Wade Brainerd wrote:

> I would really like to have an official mechanism for dealing with
> this, as it's preventing several of my activities from working on
> SoaS.
> I used to just include x86 Python 2.5 compiled modules in my bundles,
> but now we are supporting more architectures.
> One proposal is to have a build machine which supports cross compiling
> all our supported architectures, which can compile the blobs.  Then we
> include all the blobs inside the .xo bundle.  This is like what OSX
> does with Application bundles.
> Another is to support compile-on-install.  This requires a build
> system to be present on the user's machine, which is a steep
> requirement.
> I'm leaning towards #1, we just need to work out the details and get  
> it set up.

Sugar already sets LD_LIBRARY_PATH to $SUGAR_ACTIVITY_ROOT/lib so a  
simple extension would be to add platform-specific lib dirs to the  
library search path. One way to do this is to simply append the  
config.guess output, which would result in lib-i686-pc-linux-gnu on my  
box ...

- Bert -

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