On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 11:35:08AM +0200, Bastien wrote:

I rebuild Sugar with sugar-jhbuild.
Do you mean that you have installed Glucose using
a) distro packages AND
b) sugar-jhbuild?

Because of some hacks used by sugar-jhbuild, it's a bad idea to do that and I recommend to uninstall the distro packages.

Another glitch: my keyboard is AZERTY and Sugar remaps it to QWERTY.
You're probably talking about sugar-emulator. In that case, it's bug #342 [1]. There's a patch from 2006 (!) that probably fixed the problem, but it needs to be redone because the source has changed significantly since then. Unfortunately, I currently don't have time to do it and upstream doesn't seem to care much about it (though they'd probably apply a finished, clean patch).

[1] http://dev.sugarlabs.org/ticket/342

CU Sascha


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