On 23 Apr 2009, at 22:37, Sebastian Dziallas wrote:

> Hi folks,
> after our most recent beta release, we've now a new image ready for  
> you!
> This is the first of a number of snapshots on our road to another real
> SoaS release. Links to the iso image, as well as the archive with the
> appliance are provided below.
> http://download.sugarlabs.org/soas/snapshots/2/Soas2-200904231400.iso
> http://download.sugarlabs.org/soas/appliances/soas2-20090423.zip
> Note that this is heavily 'work in progress'. Here are the news:
> * It's now again based again on Rawhide, as we move on.
> * The Labyrinth, Paint, Record and TamTam activities have been  
> included.
> * Further news regarding an easier process of gathering feedback on
> system configurations is coming up. Please stay tuned!
> We've also a number of known issues in this snapshot:
> * etoys needs to be rebuilt to get sound working.
> * the tamtam activities still need to be fav'ed.
> Currently, early plannings for the upcoming release are taking place.
> Please give this image a try and report the issues you come along.

Hi Sebastian, just some quick feedback.

OK managed to boot the .vmdk here on a Mac (VirtualBox), seemed a  
little more painful than previous ones I've tried. Odd Sun licensing  
page and account/password user registration, then lot's of errors, but  
booted after that into the Gnome login and then into Sugar.

Regarding activities, all I'm only seeing Pippy-25, Calculate-28,  
Jukebox-8, Chat-65, ImageViewer-7, Write-63, Terminal-25,  
TurtleArt-41, Browse-108, Read-66, Log-18, Etoys-100. Perhaps the  
screed of errors I got at first boot were failed bundle installs  
(sorry, was on auto pilot and just clicked past without reading)?

Pippy launches but is still unusable as it's missing all buttons and  
all examples due to broken font size or layout.

In the 800x600 default resolution I was presented with, activities  
like Write with more than 5 tabs, I didn't realise that tabs had no UI  
fallback if there was not enough horizontal space (vs. toolbar buttons  
that get a drop-down "v" menu with any overflow buttons). I'm sure  
this breaks a few other activities. FWIW 800x600 is too small for  
Sugar in many UI places, quite a fixer-upper job if serious intention  
is to play well at 800x600.

TurtleArt fails to launch, log suggests issue with numpy: File "/usr/ 
lib/python2.6/site-packages/numpy/polynomial.py, line 18; from  
numpy.linalg import eigvals, listsq; ImoortError: No module named  
linalg (sorry couldn't copy paste the full traceback, some breakage in  
numpy.oldnumeric support?).

The other activities I saw present launched fine (though most were  
unpleasant at 800x600).

Access to the network worked (surfed in Browse) and I could see folks  
on the default jabber server.


> Thanks and happy testing!
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