On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 10:35:05AM +0200, Martin Langhoff wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 10:23 AM, Martin Dengler
> <mar...@martindengler.com> wrote:
> > Of course.  That's why I'm asking these questions, since we know SL
> > doesn't want to become a distro generator, but we're getting questions
> > that push us in those directions.
> I didn't know SL was trying to avoid that role.

I am of course not an authoritative source.  But that is my
impression, yes (and it's bourne out by dfarning's reply, IMO).

> But there is _nobody
> else_ really looking at how (whether!) the integration works. That a
> desktop works or doesn't work is a job of integration.

Hence the reason for me asking the questions.  I think SoaS, as a
Fedora-derivative anyway, is the right place to do it.

> So somebody has to do it.

Indeed.  I don't think it's actually that big of a technical deal to
*do* the things I asked about, but *supporting* them is a pretty big
deal.  That's why I asked.

> If SL does it, SL has a chance to ensure the quality. If SL doesn't
> do it, who will? Maybe SL should do it until a focused team takes
> over the distro side?

Good subjects for discussion.

> cheers,
> m


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