Hi Simon, Sugaristas,

Dave Bauer was asking where could he find recent Browse.xo releases,
and I did a bit of browsing and googling, and couldn't find it.
Searching my gmail inbox worked, but this isn't very generalisable.

 - sugarlabs' list archive is not indexed by google?
 - activities download page is wildly out of date...? (lists Browse 103!)
 - finding the git repo of Browse is rather hard :-(

Please don't take this as a criticism -- just a note that it's
currently rather hard to find things. Maybe sugarlabs.org is new and
un-crawled by the big google crawler in the sky. Maybe there's
something relatively easy you guys can do to keep the info
up-to-date... dunno.

(I try to keep the XS info up to date, and fail at it as well... so I know... )



On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 7:37 PM, Simon Schampijer <si...@schampijer.de> wrote:
> == Source ==
> http://download.sugarlabs.org/sources/sucrose/fructose/Browse/Browse-108.tar.bz2
> == Fixed tickets ==
> * Browse hangs when trying to open file:/// #456
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