On 20 May 2009, at 12:00, Simon Schampijer wrote:

> On 05/19/2009 10:52 PM, Gary C Martin wrote:
>> Anyone managed to work around the "Obsolete jhbuild start script, do
>> run 'make install'" yet? I'd been religiously avoiding updating  
>> sugar-
>> jubuild for a few weeks as it was working fine (other than going out
>> of date) and I'd noticed a whole rash of other folks emailing and
>> trac'ing with issues. I finally tried today and things broke, as I'd
>> feared :-(
>> Have an F10 VM running sugar-jhbuild that was working just fine until
>> I tried to refresh, Sascha has mentioned that the jhbuild git rep has
>> been recently moved, and the below ticket:
>>      http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=582490
>> on SL ticket:
>>      http://dev.sugarlabs.org/ticket/857
>> But I found neither a ~/bin/ or ~/.local/bin/, and nothing seems to
>> want to 'make install'.
>> Any hints appreciated!
>> Regards,
>> --Gary
> Hi Gary,
> #857 does contain a fix now - which does work for me. Looks good to  
> me - but want that our sugar-jhbuild maintainer has a quick look at  
> it as well :)

Fab, thanks Simon. The changes to the sugar-jhbuild script work well  
for me here, all up and running again. FWIW I did have one other issue  
I had to manually fix before I could successfully build, the error was:

*** Building sugar-update-control *** [22/37]
python setup.py build
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "setup.py", line 2, in <module>
     from DistUtilsExtra.command import * # gettext support
ImportError: No module named DistUtilsExtra.command

I re-tried:

        ./sugar-jhbuild depscheck

...but this gave no indication that the module was needed, or missing,  
so I manually installed it with:

        sudo yum install python-distutils-extra

Build was all happy after this.


> Regards,
>   Simon

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