On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 11:34, NoiseEHC <noise...@freemail.hu> wrote:
>> I hope this anwers your question,
>>    Simon
> Unfortunately it does not. What I wanted to know whether I will be able
> to use the latest Sugar on my XO-1 ever. It boots the kernel with 802 so
> it is a working Linux distribution. If somehow I copy the latest Sugar
> over the old Sugar (0.82 I think) will it work? If it does not work then
> will anybody port it? What I see is that OLPC has very few developers so
> probably this porting work will be out of question but will Sugar people
> make any effort or would it be just wasting their time where the XO-1.5
> is almost finished?

Just copying files is unlikely to work. Regarding newer versions of
Sugar working in the XO-1, I personally think it's very important and
hope that others share this opinion and will contribute their time and
skills to make it happen.



> ps:
> If overwriting the old Sugar works on an XO-1 then an unzippable
> "distribution" what could be applied to 802 would be just fine...
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