On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 03:30, Tabitha Roder <tabi...@hrdnz.com> wrote:
> Testing summary - 30 May 2009 - Wellington NZ
> Who: Tabitha, Tom, Brenda, Callum, Tara, Dave, Grant,
> PlayGo-5: when third XO joined existing game, the size of the game shrank to
> make room for join announcement, which moved everything so player put piece
> in wrong place, then third XO took one of black players turn but it is a 2
> player game, then could choose to take black players turn.
> When using another activity on XO, user started activity twice (double
> click), get three resumes and three stops - attached image. None of the
> stops would stop the bridge activity. Also get a bridge icon in the task
> list, but with the name "sugar-shell". This cannot be stopped either.
> There are 3 bridge applications consuming 1/3 of the cpu each:

Bert, is this someone you would be interested in looking at?

> top - 00:19:13 up  1:47,  2 users,  load average: 6.83, 6.07, 4.37
> Tasks:  74 total,   3 running,  70 sleeping,   0 stopped,   1 zombie
> Cpu(s): 22.3%us,  4.7%sy,  0.0%ni, 72.8%id,  0.0%wa,  0.1%hi,  0.1%si,
> 0.0%st
> Mem:    228236k total,   224728k used,     3508k free,    24588k buffers
> Swap:        0k total,        0k used,        0k free,    33688k cached
> 1430 olpc      20   0 39304  10m 4420 R 19.1  4.5   0:14.15
> python
> 1194 root      20   0 35052  10m 7172 R 14.7  4.7   4:15.37
> X
> 2098 10004     20   0 90864  32m  10m S 13.2 14.5   4:29.94 Bridge
> <03ee01f
> 2109 10006     20   0 80660  30m  10m S 13.2 13.6   4:22.73 Bridge
> <03ee01f
> 2113 10008     20   0 83084  31m  10m S 13.2 14.1   4:26.61 Bridge
> <03ee01f
> 1402 olpc      20   0 53844  35m  11m S  5.9 16.1   5:11.36
> python
>    3 root      15  -5     0    0    0 S  2.9  0.0   0:07.89
> ksoftirqd/0
> 2566 root      20   0  2356  916  720 R  2.9  0.4   0:00.06
> top
>  110 root      15  -5     0    0    0 S  1.5  0.0   0:00.60
> kswapd0
> 2505 root      15  -5     0    0    0 S  1.5  0.0   0:00.53
> usb-storage
>    1 root      20   0  4928 4128 1500 S  0.0  1.8   0:02.52 init
> The usb key was locked by some process and I couldn't umount it. I didn't
> try to eject from the journal before trying umount. After trying umount, the
> usb key didn't show up in the journal. I don't know if the usb key ever
> turned up in journal.

Is this with Sugar 0.82 or 0.84? Handling of removable devices have
changed completely in 0.84.

> On a separate XO, again experienced the issues of some USBs mounting but not
> displaying in Journal - we can use Kingston USBs.

I have seen this happen in machines with Linux but no Sugar, does a
reboot help with it?



> Screencast-1 and TurtleArt-51
> In TurtleArt-51 on some XOs we cannot play screencasts or record videos but
> can use pictures
> Screencast capture is doing some weird mirror with two cursors and not a
> smooth capture
> Thanks everyone
> Tabitha
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