On Fri, Jun 05, 2009 at 02:19:52PM +0200, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:

...and finally creating an account for myself at that Trac thingy. Does it have an email interface, [...]
There's a Trac plugin for creating new tickets for incoming emails, but nothing to manipulate (including commenting on) existing bug reports. :(
There's a Perl Net::Trac module: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Net-Trac/ but I failed to locate any sample scripts atually using it.
It'd probably be best to write/use a Trac plugin instead, as the XML-RPC interface obviously needs online access. There's a generic one for email interfaces [1] that includes creating a new ticket as a sample script, but probably could be used to manipulate tickets as well. As always, somebody with enough time needs to step up to actually do the work...

(I find the Debian mail-based bugtracker quite convenient)
Me too - except for the SPAM (due to the email addresses being published).

[1] http://trac-hacks.org/wiki/MailToTracPlugin

CU Sascha


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