On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 07:16:44PM -0400, Caroline Meeks wrote:
> I agree with much of what has been said. Sugar on a Stick should not be
> linked to any one distro.

Laudable goal, but please don't underestimate how much work this is.
I think Sebastian and David have an idea what's involved, but few
others do.  So I don't think it's worth even discussing in practice
(although I and others seem happy to debate the theory ad nauseam :)).

> I thought we had decided to use Flavors? i.e. Sugar on a Stick Strawberry is
> our current release and it is based on Fedora 11.

I never got anything conclusive out of the IRC discussion in which
flavors were mentioned, and haven't seen any mails about it.  "colors"
is what was said thrice, AFAICS:

> > >>> Nota: my idea would be for each version to change the Sugar logo
> > >>> color too... potentially allowing troubleshooters to ask "what
> > >>> color is the Sugar logo?" and match that to the version number.
> > > I actually think changing the colors with each release is a pretty
> > > awesome idea.

> > So awesome that it may solve the controversial issue of naming
> > releases: Banana-Chocolate Sugar, Cherry-Oak Sugar, etc

> > >>> [Sean DALY]
> > >
> > > Eben
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Tomeu

[This is re-formatted from
http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/iaep/2009-June/006184.html ]

> Caroline Meeks


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