On 18 Jun 2009, at 15:10, Benjamin M. Schwartz wrote:

> Greg DeKoenigsberg wrote:
>> 0. I'm guessing there will be some simple API, maybe
>> "sugar.activity.assess".  Or maybe it's actually part of datastore.
> The obvious thing, to me, is to store it in the Datastore object's
> metadata properties.  Perhaps two integer fields, "score" and  
> "maxscore".
> No new API required, just a naming convention for these two  
> properties.

I'd like to be able to have an Activity store arbitrary awards. This  
way authors can provide unexpected easter eggs for learners to  
discover (the trick is to have both obvious and unexpected awards).  
There was a fair amount of discussion of this at SugarCamp Paris some  
mockups and write-ups (that I still haven't posted) and several recent  
threads here and IAEP (I think) between me and David Van Assche.

Think (very roughly), in Write while sharing a document "New Award!  
You and 3 or more friends each wrote 300 words." In TurtleArt "New  
Award! You've now tried all the tiles in TurtleArt.".

There should be a way of viewing all your awards (and hints as to some  
missing ones), much like in most game design these days. Likely the  
best place is in a new Journal view, but only once the idea is proven  
to be a positive one (there's a lot of friction adding anything new to  
Journal due to the long term maintenance overhead).

I'm pretty tied up just now, hopefully David will kick in :-) If not I  
might catch up on this next week.


> --Ben
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