On 06/22/2009 11:29 PM, Caroline Meeks wrote:
> One problem I have is that when I am at a school or conference I often don't
> have time to stop, gather info, grab the keyboard from the person trying
> sugar, log into the tracker and file a ticket.

I am not a friend of those automatic bug filers. They often have a high 
signal to noise ratio. Secondly, someone needs to handle all the 
incoming bugs. What is it useful for if we file hundreds of bugs but 
nobody will be responsive? The tester will turn away.

If you would take videos of issues at a conference - why not sit down 
after that and analyze the issue and file a bug report then? In many 
cases the report filer needs to follow up on the bug report after that. 
Otherwise the developers are not able to handle it properly.

In general:
Please do take the time to file a bug. If a reporter show that they care 
- the devs more likely will do so as well. If someone does not have the 
time to file a proper report - why would the developer take the time to 
fix it? This is not just throwing something at the devs. One can argue 
that there are some people that do not know how to describe a bug report 
very well would help such tools. That is ok. What I am worried about is 
the people who should be able to provide more info does not do so. 
Please at least try to provide as much info as possible and follow up on 
the bugs later!

I don't say that bug work is easy - it is actually a very hard one. 
Everyone can improve on that, I include myself of course as well.

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