On 06/23/09 09:34, Edward Cherlin wrote:
> I have been warned not to run sugar-jhbuild and Sugar packages on the
> same system. I have not had sugar-jhbuild wreck my system, but I have
> had a lot of issues with sugar-jhbuild working one day and not the
> next when I make other changes to the system.

We have found one such issues yesterday, while testing the streamlined branch 
on Ubuntu Jaunty.

My laptop usually boots off a Fedora 11 partition with the Sugar packages 
installed, where the GConf schemas for Sugar are installed in 
/etc/gconf/schemas/sugar.schemas.  When Sugar starts, it happily uses the 
system GConf.

When we did the same on Jaunty with _no_ system packages installed, the schemas 
were missing and the Sugar shell would crash mysteriously due to a bad default 
value for the favourites layout.

I don't know how to add a locally installed schemas file without
altering the system-wide database.  The following commands are
for the system-wide case:

  export GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=`gconftool-2 --get-default-source`
  gconftool-2 --makefile-install-rule install/etc/gconf/schemas/sugar.schemas

If I change the path to point into the jhbuild install root,
I get these obscure errors:

$ export 
$ gconftool-2 --makefile-install-rule install/etc/gconf/schemas/sugar.schemas 

(gconftool-2:3489): GConf-WARNING **: Failed to load source 
Couldn't resolve address for configuration source: Bad address 
GConf:ERROR:gconftool.c:969:main: assertion failed: (err == NULL)

Bah, I'm defeated.  Why are we even using this GConf crap?  Simple ini
files were too easy to work with?!? ;-/

   // Bernie Innocenti - http://codewiz.org/
 \X/  Sugar Labs       - http://sugarlabs.org/
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