On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 09:52, chirag jain<chiragjain1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> The ListenSpell Activity uses two config. files and a SQLite db. After
> going through the following information:
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Low-level_Activity_API#File Access
> I changed the path of the config files. So now the activity can easily
> create and modify them. Please note that the config files are not
> already created but are first created by the activity.
> But I am getting problems with the db file which is already created.
> My activity wants to read and update the already created db.
> My db file path is:
> /home/olpc/Activities/ListenSpellActivity/dict.db
> So in my activity, to connect to the db I create the path as follows:
> http://pastebin.be/19337
> and then using this path I connect to the database.
> The activity reads correctly the db, but it is not able to modify it.
> So how can I let my activity to modify an already created file?

What about copying the database file from the source dir to a dir
where you can write if it doesn't yet exist there?



> Regards
> --
> Chirag Jain
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