On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 12:39 PM, Gary C Martin<g...@garycmartin.com> wrote:
> Hi Vamsi,
> On 23 Jun 2009, at 08:35, Vamsi Krishna Davuluri wrote:
>> Eben,
>> Thanks for replying, I have taken your
>> suggestions into account and have made
>> this. It now randomly
>> 1) It takes a hash of the username for coloring
>>    the icon
> Re 'username', this is the name of the printer and/or printer queue?
>> 2) It lists processing job on the top, and sorts
>>    the list accoring to first come first serve.
>> 3) I removed the space below the menu items.
> Cool, looking good :-)
> Quick question: What happens with really long document titles, is an
> ellipsis used to truncate the length? Some Journal titles can get pretty
> long, especially if they are downloaded documents via Browse as the URL is
> used as part of the download name.
>> pausing jobs is a big problem, since we are
>> already in a palette menu. And I am using
>> menu items for each horizontal bar, I cant
>> see a case of pausing without making a
>> new menu item for each job?
> I would say allowing pausing is likely one feature too much. I can't say I
> ever remember needing to manually pause a print job (or print queue) myself.

Yes, you're right. An alternative concern is errors. This comes down
to a discussion of notifications, though. Early mockups include adding
an extra "section" to palettes to convey error messages and provide
actions for handling them, such as "The printer is out of paper" and a
"Resume printing" button. Perhaps another thread on notifications in
general should be started; they would be a great addition to the next
version of Sugar, and they do need some final design specifications.


> Regards,
> --Gary
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