On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 09:43:38PM +0200, Simon Schampijer wrote:

in this week we want to talk about the Journal and datastore [1] improvements planned for 0.86.
I really hope to make it (my GSoC work depends on it - there's a lot of stuff to talk about and some decisions to make) but am not sure I can (especially given how flakey internet access is ATM). Would be great to at least be able to read the meeting logs afterwards (as usual).

[1] contains my thoughts on a VCS based datastore rewrite - a bit fleshed out now, but still not finished. The most important part for now is that I'd like to change the find() API call to take two parameters instead of one. Right now, the single parameter is a mixture of a query (giving key-value pairs that entries must match to be returned) and of output options (sorting order etc.). As we need to change API for version support anyway I'd like to seize that opportunity to fix this mess (no offense intended).

While the document currently mentions the index backend quite often I might actually skip it at first and use only the database backend instead. Xapian (an Information Retrieval system used by the current datastore to provide simple metadata search) is very interesting and could be quite useful for a future FindMyData activity - but IMO with a new API focussing on probabilistic information retrieval, including spell checking and partial queries (Xapian "term"s seem to correlate quite well with Sugar "tags", BTW). The basic attribute search stuff currently used is IMO best done using a database, not an IR system.

The document is largely a braindump, not a design document yet. So please overlook the rough edges and the fact that I'm proposing a full rewrite - I might end up recycling a large part of the current code base, but thinking of it as a "new" thing helps me see things more clearly.

[1] http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/versionsupport-project/repos/mainline/blobs/master/datastore-redesign.html

CU Sascha


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