On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 8:04 PM, David Farning<dfarn...@sugarlabs.org> wrote:

>> Maybe.  Stand back, what the heck is Activities/All for?  I marked the
>> page obsolete and nobody has disagreed. ...
> Someone disagreed quite enthusiastically the other day.  Their
> rational was that deployments still refer to /All as their primary
> download page.

Are you referring to Gabriel Eirea's message
http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/sugar-devel/2009-June/015446.html ?

On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 8:27 AM, Gabriel Eirea<gei...@gmail.com> wrote:
> However, at least here in Uruguay, most of the kids and teachers rely on
> Activities/All as a starting point to get new activities. This is because
> Browse's home page had a link to the Activities page. It was very
> frustrating when most of the activities were moved from Activities to
> Activities/All without a proper communication to the users. I would not like
> to see that happen again.

I didn't make that change, I don't know the history.  As the
Activities page acts as the fallback for the Sugar control panel's
Software update in 8.2.x, I believe it would be bad if it listed lots
of activities.

Gabriel, now that http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Activities prominently
points users to a.sl.o, how is that working out?
Someone removed the Activities/translations bar from this page, feel
free to add it back and/or to update the Spanish-language
http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Actividades to point to a.sl.o.

> This is because
> Browse's home page had a link to the Activities page.
I'm curious, is the OLPC's Browse's home localized in Spanish?  I
suspect it is not, despite the sophisticated multilingual templating
system in 8.2.x that gets re-run on each collection download to
rebuild the home page.

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