On Fri, Jul 03, 2009 at 08:29:10PM +0200, James Zaki wrote:
> Perhaps this is a late reply, (I am yet to read the last 6 or so digests of
> to 20+ that were in my inbox)
> But I am always sensitive of little incremental additions that seem like it
> would be useful.
> I always try to think about the first time I used sugar. In particular, what
> helped by being very simple. We see sugar evolving, and perhaps forget what
> it was like that first time. Perhaps we should harass some friends and
> families' kids who've not seen it, and get their feedback.

Unfortunately we are limited in our resources, for example wadeb managed
to produce only ONE(thats a shame!) new sugar user for past year.

> If a child new to the sugar interface (XO or otherwise) feels bombarded with
> options, it could make things harder.
> Just my two cents I always voice on this.
> In particular to the pictures, apart from the two identical cloud icons,
> there are lots of activities in that dropdown. Has that always been so big?
> To me that would be intimidating for the first user experience.

Thats a good point, thanks for this

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